Friday, June 30, 2006

Coming Soon

Coming Soon
Things I'm Working on Right Now so be Patient
1. A short story that I will post here in somewhere between 3 and 10 installments. Also, probably on Uber.
2. A rant about how evil aliens are, and why we should enlst sasquatch's help to fight them
3. A rant about celebrities
4. A rant on money (maybe)
5. A LONG rant on religion, new and improved with added effort!
6. Maybe some book and movie reviews, if I feel like it
7. Maybe make a suggestion, and I'll try it out. Got a rant idea? Got something great that you want to see praised? Gimme the idea. If I like it, its happening. If not, then I will contract AIDS for the sole purpose of eventually raping your wife and daughters.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


As of July First, year Two Thousand and Six (01/07/06), I will use no gasoline for an personal or professional expediture until the date July Thirty First, year Two Thousand and Six(31/07/06).
I will not give rides, nor will I take rides. You must arrange to meet me at least 24 hours beforehand, so I can arrange to walk to wherever it is you want me to go.
So yeah. Heads up on that. I will document the more important thins about this here, which means I'll probably be updating close to once or twice a week. Yippee!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I have ranted about Peta. I ranted about children.
Next up: Organized Religion

I want everyone to understand before I start this rant. I do not hate Jesus. Jesus, as far as I can tell, was a decent guy. My problem is with his hundreds of thousands of fan clubs all over this great green earth of ours.
Organized religion is not a terrible idea. If done properly, it could work out really well. The idea of a group or club of people with similiar interests or ideas as you is a good thing. The main problems I have with organized religion are these: the idea of conversion, creation, and the way they manage their money.
Conversion bothers the shit out of me. Why? Because I feel like trying to make people think the way you do is insane. Everyone has thier own ideas, ideals, opinions. Do you think they will change just because you decided to knock on their door at 6:00 in the morning with a pamphlet and speech? Don't you think that by adulthood people would have made up thier mind about their religion or lack of? Also, if someone was genuinely interested in the bullshit you spewed, don't you think they would find a local church and figure things out for themselves?
You're right. They wouldn't. People are lazy. Does that make it your place to run out and force what you beleive on them?
No. Not at all.
Creationism is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It's so stupid, that typing this paragraph is giving me a headache. If you really want to know why this bothers me so much, send me an email at, and I'll reply when I dam well feel like it.
Now, when it comes to money, churches really get my goat. What the hell does a church have to spend money on? You want to worship someplace? Do it in a park. Bright, sunny, ect. Reserve a local meeting room in a hotel / YMCA. And what do you do with the money you save on these six figure buildings that you aren't making anymore? Feed the hungry, house the houseless, donate to the hundreds of charities that would put it to good work. Don't tell me that your little band of Jesus Groupies helped out int he soup kitchen last week, please. Instead tell me that you all saved and built a brand new soup kitchen, or a battered woman's shelter, or help repair some run-down parts of the city.
There is more to my general disaste for organized religion, but I try to keep these entries short, which is why this one ends so abruptly.


Today is just another day. There is no reason to celebrate, get drunk, dance, have sex, worship satan, etc.
What are you people, mentally ill?
Why do people think that its so cool? Why?
Because its associated with the not-quite-as-holy trinity? Or because all my friends are highschooler morons, most of whom deny a belief or faith in the christian ideal of god?
These are the same people that get excited at christmas and easter, which, as we know, are christian holidays.
You can't look remotely intelligent if you deny deny deny until its time for presents and candy.

Stop being stupid. You're all stupid. Stop it.